
Newsflash International 28: New advertising options for brands

Creating killer content to hook users onto your brand is only half of the advertising puzzle on social networks. Companies now...
Douglas Ackerman
1 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 27: World’s first social games

The London Olympics are at the centre of attention worldwide, whether it is for spectacular performances or for interactions on social...
Douglas Ackerman
1 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 23: Twitter on TV and OverBlog’s OverHaul

Twitter took to the TV marketing playing field in perhaps a bid to reach a new market unaware of what Twitter...
Douglas Ackerman
1 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 17: The Death or Re-Birth of Instagram?

Instagram’s mega-bucks deal with Facebook stole many of the headlines this week, causing a wave of response from users, digital analysts...
Douglas Ackerman
2 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 14: Tough times for Google+?

All but the most die-hard Google+ fans must admit that the tide of optimism surrounding the supposed ‚Facebook killer‘ has waned...
Douglas Ackerman
2 Minuten Lesedauer

Morgenwelt 151: Britannica. 254 Jahre gehen mit der Zeit.

Die Morgenwelt #151, ein Staffellauf durch die Social Media Welt: Twitter leibt sich das Team um Posterous ein, Pinterest hält auf...
Avatar-Foto Daniel Ackermann
4 Minuten Lesedauer

Morgenwelt 149: Pressearbeit im Wandel durch das Social Web

Die klassische PR muss sich wandeln. Eine Erkenntnis, die auch Presseverantwortliche in Zukunft beschäftigen wird. Immer mehr Journalisten setzen auf weiterführendes...
Jens Issel
3 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 11: Flickr opt-out of Pinterest

The battle of the image social networks rumbles on. Flickr provides its users with privacy rules which require the image owner’s...
Douglas Ackerman
2 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 10: Google busted, Twitter announces new features

This week Google made the headlines for the wrong reasons after being caught engaging in questionable practices by the Wall Street...
Douglas Ackerman
2 Minuten Lesedauer

Newsflash International 09: Are we witnessing the rise of a superpower?

Pinterest looks to be challenging Google+ to the ‚Social Media Latecomer’s‘ award. With well establish social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube...
Douglas Ackerman
2 Minuten Lesedauer