Jetzt hat auch Forrester das Potenzial der Weblogs erkannt und ein eigenes Corporate Weblog eingerichtet. Dazu nutzt das Marktforschungsunternehmen Typepad von Six Apart. Außerdem gibt Forrester passenderweise eine Weblog-Studie heraus, um darin auf die Business-Chancen für Unternehmen einzugehen.
"Although Weblogs
(blogs) are currently used by only a small number of online consumers,
they’ve garnered a great deal of corporate attention because their
readers and writers are highly influential. Forrester believes that
blogging will grow in importance, and at a minimum, companies should
monitor blogs to learn what is being said about their products and
services. Companies that plan to create their own public blogs should
already feel comfortable having a close, two-way relationship with
users. In this document we recommend best practices, including a
blogging code of ethics, and metrics that will show the impact of blogs
on business goals." (Charlene Li, Forrester Research)
>> via Corporate Blogging Blog
>> Forrester Research Weblog von Charlene Li
>> Forrester.Com: Blogging: Bubble Or Big Deal? When And How Businesses Should Use Blogs (Charlene Li)