This week saw the latest platform revamp in Twitter’s total overhaul of their Social Network. But why is there a sudden emphasis on looks? Will this mean an improved user experience, or merely spark another round of complaints from individuals and companies alike? This week we also take a look at the key to satisfying customers, the fallacy of XXX domains and what a tablet user looks like.
Eck Kommunikation is a German company, founded by Klaus Eck, which specialises in Online Reputation Management, as well as in Social Media strategies and structures for businesses. The PR-Blogger regularly offers insights into current Social Media developments, news and trends, as well as Eck Kommunikation’s expert’s analyses of topical Social Media issues.
The New, New Twitter and What It Means to You and Your Business
Brian Solis Twitter rolls out another total overhaul of its design, layout and functionality which will no doubt cause headaches for personal and business users alike. This post goes some way to promote the newest new Twitter, explaining the emphasis of the new navigation menu icons. The new embed functionality is also explored and laid bare for what ‚portability‘ means. Of course, there is also a detailed look at the new Brand pages too.w Twitter and What It Means to You and Your Business
Why Speed of Resolution Over Speed of Response is Key to Social Media Success
Danny Brown Danny questions the merits of companies‘ emphasis on speed of response via social media. In this post, he sets out his stall as a supporter of what he labels the ‚Apple‘ way of doing things. People queue to receive help from their ‚Genius Bar‘ instead of visiting another, faster service. He argues that this system should be adopted online, that customers are on the whole more concerned with receiving a resolution to their problem rather than a speedy response. He raises some interesting points – although he perhaps ignores the fact that these elements are not mutually exclusive.
Gin and Topics: Playboy, Siri, and a 666 Sticker
SpinSucks We are offered a useful, opinionated, roundup of a mixture of American news stories in this post, including Social Media Updates, National News, Would You Fire Someone For Refusing to Wear a 666 Sticker?, Walken in a Winter Wonderland and and excellent inclusion of a Siri parody from College Humor.
XXX Domains: An Obvious Failure
Mashable Based on reports from the Associated Press that 80,000 pre-sale registrations for .xxx sites were sold to companies such as Nike and Pepsi, this post describes what it calls a failed attempt by ICAAN to police adult content on the Internet. It is suggested that the short-sighted nature of the project has lead to companies and institutions buying up domains as defence for their brand, largely resulting in a windfall for registration sites such as GoDaddy who are charging a whopping $99 per year. Not a lot to disagree with here. The success of .xxx domains seemed to rely on adult sites playing by new imagined rules, which, unfortunately, does not appear to be in their nature.
3 New Digital Solutions For Capturing and Sharing Content
Mashable Featuring: SnipSnap: a digital organizer for paper coupons, Spling: a social network with a link library and Tha Trunk: an app for sharing multimedia files with people nearby, Mashable’s selected startups for show this week come up trumps. SnipSnap looks like an excellent way to promote physical coupons, playing on the wave of support for coupons this year. Spling has excellent promise but may be trying too hard to compete directly with Facebook and Google+ rather than integrating and Tha Trunk looks like it has potential for use by musicians, artists, speakers and authors.
Social Media Platforms Get Facelifts: This Week in Social Media
Social Media Examiner
Here’s a rundown of the latest updates across all Social Media platforms, including: Twitter, Youtube, StumbleUpon, Klout, Groupon and Facebook. Some videos included:
Meet This Holiday’s Tablet Shopper [Infographic]
The Next Web
An infographic that speaks volumes for how tablets are being used and the differences between tablet owners and the touch-less counterparts heading into the manic Christmas shopping season.
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