Laut Netratings Japan gibt es inzwischen mehr als 1 Million Weblogs in Japan. In der japanischen Zeitung Asahi heißt es heute, dass bereits 15 Millionen Japaner ihre Kommentare in Blogs hinterlassen haben und auch sonst dem Bloggen gegenüber aufgeschlossen sind:
"According to estimates by the market research firm NetRatings Japan
Inc., about 14.95 million Web users accessed blogs on sites provided by
one of the 14 major Internet service providers, like Rakuten and Nifty,
at least once in February from home computers. That’s three times as many from a year ago. It’s also about 40 percent of all home computers in Japan."
NetRatings-Marktforscher Soichiro Nishimura glaubt an das Business-Potenzial von Blogs: "If they take advantage of the interactive characteristics of
blogs, companies and commercial sites will be able to offer many new
>> Ashai: Online action :The rise in blogs in Japan helps a mother locate her missing child.