Douglas Ackerman Als Gastautor im PR-Blogger tätig.

Newsflash International 28: New advertising options for brands

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Creating killer content to hook users onto your brand is only half of the advertising puzzle on social networks. Companies now have an ever increasing number of avenues to reach their audience. Facebook began testing it’s new pay-per-click option whilst Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare all have different methods and results.

Eck Kommunikation is a German company, founded by Klaus Eck, which specialises in Online Reputation Management, as well as in Social Media strategies and structures for businesses. The PR-Blogger regularly offers insights into current Social Media developments, news and trends, as well as Eck Kommunikation’s expert’s analyses of topical Social Media issues.

Pay-Per-Click Search Result Advertising On Facebook!

Soshable Facebook and Google head ever closer towards a complete inverted image of each other. Facebook is in the process of testing sponsored search results which appear in the drop-down menu when you begin searching. It remains to be seen how successful this will be compared to the search giant’s well established system, and whether or not Facebook can attract enough companies to pay for the fledgling option.

Ad Opportunities on Twitter, Foursquare and Tumblr

Mindjumpers Promoted Tweets, updates and blog entries, which would be best for your advertising campaign? Choosing the best platform and placement options for your company’s ads can be a tricky business. Mindjumpers simplifies the available options on Twitter, Foursquare and Tumblr, which can all be used to effectively target your audience.

Parody iPhone 5 Promo Teases Cutting-Edge Features [VIDEO]

Mashable News of Apple’s plans to release the iPhone 5 has already spurred a whole host of filmmakers to create the inevitable parody videos. Mashable presents one such video a cut above the cream. Once you get past the slight uncomfort of a Steve Jobs past-the-grave joke, it’s pretty entertaining!


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Find Out How Many Fake Twitter Followers You Have With StatusPeople

TechCrunch This news will delight as many and it will infuriate. Since the advent of purchasing followers it has been very difficult to evaluate the ‚true‘ follower count of users on Twitter. There is much debate about the real value of fake followers, StatusPeople will vindicate those against and present major headaches for people and brands alike, as already it is being revealed who the biggest fakers are…

10 Sports Twitter Accounts With a Shocking Number of Fake Followers

Mashable Some of these numbers are very surprising. With StatusPeople on just having launched Fakers, the lists will take some time to form into a completely fair representation. The top sports fakers so far are: Ronaldo, Kaka, FC Barcelona, Shaquille O’Neal, LeBron James, The NBA, Neymar, The NFL, Major League Baseball, Arsenal FC, The NHL and Jose Canseco.

The Facts and Figures about the Power of Visual Content – Infographic

Jeff Bulla’s Blog If visual content was proven to be more effective on social networks 12 months ago, now it is completely essential. We now have better screens and more devices than ever to consume visual content which is why platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest have rocketed into popularity like nothing before it. Jeff’s insightful infographic explains the power of images and videos online.

Douglas Ackerman Als Gastautor im PR-Blogger tätig.

20 Jahre PR-Blogger

Klaus Eck
2 Minuten Lesedauer

Tools für den Arbeitsalltag

Klaus Eck
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